Archive– Kyotango Art Festival-2024 “Knowing” Program “How is dance in the Tango region?”

Workshop Facilitator|Hiromi Miyakita
Venue|Onaru Burial Mounds, Ancient Tango Village Museum, Tango Community Center

When artists create their works, what perspective do they adopt in confronting the things in front of them, and what kind of process do they go through to create new forms of expression? This “learning program” is a workshop where you can experience forms of expression that you don’t normally encounter in your everyday life or at school, and while doing so, you can borrow the perspectives and thoughts of the artists and take a fresh look at the resources of this town and the society in which we live. The theme of the first year was “Learning about Diverse Forms of Expression”. This year, the second year of the program, the theme is “Creating Works of Art Using Tango as a Material”. We will be taking on the challenge of creating works of art using materials that can only be found in this town of Tango.

Did you know that the Tango Ancient Village Museum has on display beautiful headdresses that were worn by people in ancient times? Ever since I first saw them, I’ve been imagining myself wearing one and dancing. These days, breakdancing and other forms of dance are attracting worldwide attention, but let’s look for a dance that is unique to Tango, a place where people have been living since ancient times.
This time, we have also prepared a workshop where you can create “sound” and “dance” using familiar objects together with sound artist Akio Suzuki. Whether you like ancient burial mounds and historical culture, want to try physical expression, or want to improve your creativity, you don’t need any dance experience to participate. Let’s have fun and create dance together at the ancient burial mounds of Tango.

Hiromi Miyakita


1Saturday, October 5th
Artist Introduction
Mound Tour and Lecture
Ancient Tango Village Museum
2Sunday, October 6th
Sound and Movement Workshop *Tango Community Center
3Saturday, November 16th
Planning SessionTango Community Center
4Sunday, November 17th
PresentationOnaru Kofun Tumulus Group
* Guest Artist: Akio Suzuki

Kyotango Art Festival-2024 “Knowing” Program “How is dance in the Tango region?”

Kyotango Art Festival “Knowing” Program “How is dance in the Tango region?
Organize | Kyotango City, Kyotango City Board of Education, Lifelong Learning Division